Tue, 14 Dec 2010, 7:42am The Basics of Alchemy »
Registered: Oct, 2010
Last visit: Sun, 02 Jan 2011
Posts: 17

Table of Contents

1 Obtaining Alchemy Skills
1.1 Primary Alchemy
1.2 Junior Alchemy
1.3 Superior Alchemy
2 How Alchemy Works
3 Alchemy Leveling Methods

1.1 - Obtaining Primary Alchemy
Screenshot Guide: http://wlodb.com/topics/6376
To get primary, you first need to do the quests, "Is it Gold Axe or Iron Axe?" for the Fairy's Golden Axe quest item and "Mermaid" for the Psychic's Dagger quest item.

To get the Fairy's Golden Axe, go to Welling Village and talk to the woodcutter near the capitol building, he'll say he lost his axe at a lake. Go to the lake between welling and kelan. (between the dragonflies and mushrooms) Click the axe and talk to the fairy and choose, you dropped an iron axe. She will give you a golden axe.

To get the Psychic's Dagger, go to the Mermaid on the beach where jellyfish are at. She will ask for a conch. Spawn to starter's beach, and move up to the northern tip of north island near the sailor, there you will find the conch. Bring it back to her so she can become human. She will then go to see her boyfriend, follow her to see the scene of her two-timing boyfriend. She'll run off back to the beach, follow her to get the psychic's dagger.

When you have these 2 items, bring them to the welling vilage weapon shop and speak with the apprentice. He will then grant you the primary alchemy skill.

Congrats, you got primary alchemy...I wouldn't use it much, it's pretty useless. And to get junior alchemy you don't even need to level it, you just need to have it. So on to getting junior alchemy!

1.2 - Obtaining Junior Alchemy
Screenshot Guide: http://wlodb.com/topics/306
To get junior alchemy, gather 2 Chameleon Tongues, 5 Dragon Teeth, and 1 Ant Antenna (i know igg's quest guide says ant "tentacle" but...there's no such item). If you have trouble finding chameleon tongues or dragon teeth on your server, you can get them as drops. Chameleons on osyla drop chameleon tongues, and velociraptors on osyla drop dragon teeth, it's rare, but they drop. After you have these materials gathered, go to polo island. If you are just starting out, refer to the "locations" section on the navigation bar. Start out at north island (from starter's beach) and make a pit stop at Hezrou Island. (Also note: if you click fast while moving in a vehicle, it uses less fuel. This method can also be used to go longer distances while not in a vehicle to avoid random fights) If you run into a fight, don't worry. Log out, and log back in, you will automatically run from a fight that way. Drop your used boat and make a new one and head to polo island and talk to Xibei'er in the only hut on that island. She will ask you for the materials which you should already have, and then grant you junior alchemy.

1.3 - Obtaining Superior Alchemy
Screenshot Guide: http://wlodb.com/topics/6374
Junior alchemy is great, but perhaps you want to go further. To get superior alchemy you first need to level Junior Alchemy to level 10 or higher. Then you want to gather 3 Magic Powder, 5 Clear Devil's Spars, 2 Bluestones, and 5 Stars. To get Magic Powder, get some gyrophora from kelan woods, then go to hawaii (small island). Buy some Magic Crystal Powder from the hawaii shop. Compound Magic Crystal Powder + Gyrophora and you should obtain Magic Powder. Next, bluestones, if no one is selling them, go to osyla and go to the last cave on the left and on that floor, go to the top part of that cave, you will run into the crude oil collection spot, which also has a chance for bluestones. For stars you will have to look up some quests, pet death quests usually give stars. The last part is the hardest, Clear Devil's Spars.

If you are a decent lvl, around lvl 70+ or so, you can go to wind pandas at china. There's a solo wind panda mob near the left portal and they respawn very quickly, but the chance is low, it may take a couple days to get 3, which is all you'll need. (keep in mind, only spar pieces are tradable, not the whole spars, like clear spars, they become bound to your character). Go to the waterfall near holy and go to the right area, you will find a "Mysterious Crystal". Next, head to iceberg which is to the far right of the south pole. Go all the way to the top, but before you do, make sure you get the "Mysterious Ice" to the left on the 1F. Talk to the dwarflord, he will tell you to put the quest items on the pillars. After that, a quest battle will start. 8 spirits, two of each element, 1 water being a boss which can cast sleep, cure, and a water attack. It's very easy. If you can kill the wind pandas, you can do this easily. After the battle, you get 2 clear devil's spars. Now that you have everything, return to polo island and talk to Xibei'er again for Superior Alchemy.

Phew, finally, got superior alchemy...now what?

2 - How Alchemy Works
Primary and Junior alchemy allow you to obtain an item up to 4 ranks higher than the lowest item rank you put in. So if you use rank 2 vine grass + rank 2 vine grass, you can get up to rank 6 grass (diety hat, grass shoes, purple grass, etc) but if you use rank 1 harl grass + rank 2 vine grass, the highest you can get is a rank 5 grass, like rough shoes. Superior Alchemy however allows you to obtain an item up to 5 ranks higher. but, superior alchemy needs to be higher than lvl 10 for that to occur (from my experience anyway).

You may have also come across alchemy books and wondered, wtf they were for. When you add them to the end of a compound alchemy formula, you increase the maximum rank you can get for that compound. So, say you used common grass + common grass + alchemy book 2 with primary or junior alchemy, instead of it allowing you only get the maximum of a rank 6 grass, you can now get up to a rank 8 grass. But the book will be consumed on that compound, so use them sparingly. Book 1's allow +1 of the max, book 2's +2, book 3's +3, and book 4's +4. The same applies to superior alchemy, but like i said earlier you can obtain an item up to 5 ranks higher than the lowest rank item you put in the compound. So, with a book 4 with superior, you have a chance to jump up to 9 item ranks. (but goodluck with that, lol)

You may have noticed when using this database, some formulas may not work because you may have overlooked the picture on the left side noting which alchemy skill was used. With junior and superior alchemy, the highest rank item will always act like the 1st slot item in the compound even if you do not put it in the 1st slot. Primary alchemy ignores that rule. (but in my opinion, you should find something at a higher item rank that you want to put in the first slot using junior or superior alchemy, because the chances of getting what you want are so much higher) So for example if you want to make a bow, you need to have a higher or equal item rank as the grass in the first slot, then the grass in the second slot. like, Cut Cypress (rank 5) + Rough Shoes (rank 5 grass) => Pretty Long Bow (rank 8 wood/grass). You cannot have something like cut oak (rank 4) in the 1st slot + rough shoes (rank 5) in the 2nd slot and expect a bow, you will instead get grass because the shoes are a higher rank.

Also if you were to use the bow in alchemy, it would act like a wood type item only in the compound, even though it is wood/grass.

3 - Leveling Alchemy
There's a few methods on leveling alchemy. A popular one is to cut lauan wood into small wooden gears for rank 1 wood. You can get 300 small wooden gears from 1 stack of uncut lauan. There is another method to use organic muck from sitting on the toilet and compounding with other stuff. You can combine those 2 methods together while sitting on the toilet and manufacturing. You can compound what you get from fishing or from fights instead of npc selling the stuff you don't want. (since uncooked fish can't be npc sold, mind as well use it for alchemy instead of dropping it if you don't really want it). But my favorite way is compounding ores into more refined materials. like tin ore + muck => tin material, or copper ore + muck => copper sand, or aluminum ore + watermelon => hard aluminum plates. You can also use instant noodles from the 12 mascots instance. But don't bother compounding iron ore, it often wastes it to become something no longer usable. If you really want to level alchemy though, do these compounds 1 by 1, meaning one tin ore + one muck, because you level it the same as doing 1 stack + 1 stack and 1 + 1. If you do it one at a time, you've made a stack to give you 50x more exp than if you did it all at once. Another thing to note is that you can use alchemy even when its doing that animation to build up suspense on what you've made.

...might add some pics later to spice this up a bit, looks boring and long with all this text, lol

Side Notes:
- Devil's Spars/IM Diamonds can be used to repair equips and have a 100% success rate. (don't think you can use on an already sparred equip) So if you need a cheap and effective repair pot for your non-IM equips, use a spar to repair them. Also note, same effect goes with guns when upgrading them, I know there's no alchemy involved in making guns, but that will add to gun longevity. (like a regular bazooka thats about to break upgraded to a great bazooka)

- And just as Spars/Diamonds go to non-IM equips, upgrading IM equips with strong scrolls also repairs equips.

- To use a Devil's Spar, in the 1st slot put in the equip you wish to upgrade, then the spar in the 2nd slot.

http://wlodb.com/files/EditedByJM.PNG Added color to the text so it doesnt look so boring.

Last edited Wed, 29 Dec 2010, 5:14pm by heavensful
